PA: 老闆, 你想買個掛衣架同座地櫃, 我去無印攞咗本Catalogue, 咁嘅Style你Okay嗎?
老闆: Let me think about it...i will talk to my wife...
PA: (心諗) 你老闆呀, 去廁所都問你老婆好唔好? X!!!%#&*^%@@....
3個星期過去, 仍然諗梗...
PA: 老闆, 你張Driving License係西班牙文, 運輸處要你搵註冊tranlsation company translate做英文or中文先接受你申請香港駕駛執照. 我幫你攞咗個quotation, HK$450, ne個係人哋公司個minimun charge, 你okay嗎?
老闆: 唔想俾ne HK$450, 唔translate得唔得?
PA: 得, 但係人哋會唔接受你申請囉.
老闆: 間公司西班牙文譯中文會唔會平D?
PA: HK$450係人哋要收嘅minimum charge...(心諗)頂,你有無聽書同用腦...$&#&@**!!(*&#...
老闆: (正午12時30分,從新加坡打回來)我老婆原本今日下午4點幾回香港,你幫佢改遲兩日先走,我無佢個itinerary, ticket no. or reference no., 總之你打去CX幫佢改。。。
Monday, September 28, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
My rainbow
Your rainbow is shaded blue.
What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines.
Find the colors of your rainbow at
What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to fit into their routines.
Find the colors of your rainbow at
Friday, September 11, 2009
疑似欣怡之韓國女子組合隊長 - CL
近期發現一隊韓國新出道女子組合"2NE1" (可讀作 to anyone或twenty one), 此組合屬於YG ENTERTAINMENT, 由4個15至25歲嘅女仔組成, 2009年5月出道, 第一隻碟喺韓國賣出超過8萬張, 更成為多個產品嘅代言人,紅到不得了; 因咩解究ne個group會引起我嘅興趣, 因為個隊長CL囉, 我以為欣怡去咗韓國發展呀~(我覺得佢有80%似欣怡~)
P.S. YG Entertainment 旗下藝人還有男子組合BIG BANG (BIG BANG 在2008年韓國年尾嘅音樂典禮中擊敗東方神起成為大贏家), SE7EN, etc etc...

左一: Sandara Park, age: 24, vocal
左二: Park Bom, age: 25, vocal
右一: Minzy, age: 15, rapper/vocal
右二: 欣怡...hehee, 唔係, CL, age: 18,leader/rapper/vocal
P.S. YG Entertainment 旗下藝人還有男子組合BIG BANG (BIG BANG 在2008年韓國年尾嘅音樂典禮中擊敗東方神起成為大贏家), SE7EN, etc etc...

左一: Sandara Park, age: 24, vocal
左二: Park Bom, age: 25, vocal
右一: Minzy, age: 15, rapper/vocal
右二: 欣怡...hehee, 唔係, CL, age: 18,leader/rapper/vocal
Monday, September 07, 2009
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
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