開心事 - 照自己計畫地看了很多書,還有可以keep住約三個月左右去一次旅行, 首爾滑雪、台中好朋友婚禮、東京煙火之旅、最後係台北溫泉之旅。。。而且"無穿無爛"地渡過了365日,感恩身邊各親友都安康快樂!
唔開心 - 還是單身一族,還有合作了三年多的法籍靚仔老闆調回西班牙,佢last day時我真的哭了!
- 新人新事新工作新體驗。。。"身"體健康!
I Love U All ... heheehee !
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
愛記新商品 - OVNI
Want to spend the night in a hotel without a travel bag?
The size of a file, OVNI holds a shirt on the first page. Like a divider, a folding guide helps you to fold your shirt to the right dimensions. Inside the main pocket, three leather tabs allow for a tie to be folded, wrinkle free. Cufflinks find their place on the removable easel. Socks and undergarments are stored in the pouch and toiletries for the morning in the zipped case. Dirty clothes from the day before are tucked into two small cotton voile bags.
The Hermes Grande Heures iPhone Application
愛記竟然會推出 iPhone Application, 身為愛記小員工之一, 當然即時download入自己部電話.
有時間睇, 亦可以找到全球愛記boutique的電話號碼... ... ... ...okay啦!!!
Hermès goes mobile! With the “Hermès Grandes Heures” iPhone and iPod Touch application, the Hermès world, tucked firmly in your pocket, never leaves your side.
The House’s first step in the world of SmartPhone, this application will allow you to display the time on your phone according to your moods with our trademark elegance and sophistication... Six Cape Cod Grandes Heures dials to choose from, each just a shake away. Be Hermès any time, anywhere! Thanks to the list of stores and the virtual maps, you will never get lost again when looking for an Hermès store, no matter where you are.
The journey starts here: http://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/id345043843?mt=8
有時間睇, 亦可以找到全球愛記boutique的電話號碼... ... ... ...okay啦!!!
Hermès goes mobile! With the “Hermès Grandes Heures” iPhone and iPod Touch application, the Hermès world, tucked firmly in your pocket, never leaves your side.
The House’s first step in the world of SmartPhone, this application will allow you to display the time on your phone according to your moods with our trademark elegance and sophistication... Six Cape Cod Grandes Heures dials to choose from, each just a shake away. Be Hermès any time, anywhere! Thanks to the list of stores and the virtual maps, you will never get lost again when looking for an Hermès store, no matter where you are.
The journey starts here: http://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/id345043843?mt=8
Monday, December 28, 2009

不是張藝謀最好的作品, 但還是值得一看, 演員出色.
老板王五麻子(倪大紅飾)為人斤斤計較,陰險而兇狠,且虐妻成習。老板娘日夜受到冷待,與善良的李四發展地下情,為求自保,更悄悄購入手槍。不料私情敗露,王五麻子頓起殺機,買起張三當殺手,想神不知、鬼不覺地除掉兩人。老板娘和李四還在憧憬著未來,卻不察覺,寒光閃閃的刀已經逼近…… 究竟麻子的如意算盤能否打得響?老板娘的手槍又會落入誰人手中?
12月29日早上11時12分 - 今早打開報紙, "三槍拍案驚奇"在香港開畫四日只收幾十萬港元(同期的阿凡達收了四千多萬耶!!!), 是反映了香港人看戲的習慣嗎? 香港只有一兩間戲院上晝, 鬼咩...就算場場全院滿座票房成績都唔會好...上次"非誠勿擾"也是這樣...sigh...
2009年12月28日 - 是日心情爛透了...
過了4天的聖誕假期, 今天, 天氣很冷的一天, 早上7時從床上爬起來上班, 心情差到極點(沒原因地).
一, 有contractor"失驚無神"咁出現送我一盒聖誕禮物, 心情竟然是想殺人而忘記說多謝;
二, 晨早燥狂症地和老闆娘通電話, 之後因為不想再跟她說話而改發sms;
三, inbox裡頭不想看的email都給我delete了, 大不了就跟對方說我根本收不到他/她的email (我公司的email system是停留在80年代的, 收不到email根本就是常事)
過了4天的聖誕假期, 今天, 天氣很冷的一天, 早上7時從床上爬起來上班, 心情差到極點(沒原因地).
一, 有contractor"失驚無神"咁出現送我一盒聖誕禮物, 心情竟然是想殺人而忘記說多謝;
二, 晨早燥狂症地和老闆娘通電話, 之後因為不想再跟她說話而改發sms;
三, inbox裡頭不想看的email都給我delete了, 大不了就跟對方說我根本收不到他/她的email (我公司的email system是停留在80年代的, 收不到email根本就是常事)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
”Harmonie Hermes”
我間公司真係好奇怪, 近來喺巴黎開咗個新部門, 唔好以為新部門係d咗開發新手袋呀,新皮具呀嘅部門...佢係一個關注生態環境嘅部門, 去睇吓愛馬仕可以去關心/資助吓d咩環保活動, 點樣令到愛馬仕嘅生產更符合環保嘅理念, 用d更環保/輕便嘅用料等等, 純粹係一個幫公司洗更多$$$嘅部門. 佢哋為咗令所有同事都知道ne個計畫, 仲印咗一本好精美嘅書俾全球所有嘅同事, 仲開咗個intranet定時定侯咁update我哋ne個部門做梗d咩. 喺ne個咁嘅經濟環境之下, 我不得不佩服喺巴黎嗰d大粒佬仲咁有心去為個地球著想吓~~~
The sea forgives quickly”
Interview with Yves Paccalet, naturalist of the seas
Yves Paccalet has sailed the seas all his life. This "philosopher-naturalist", as he likes to call himself, worked with Jacques Cousteau for 15 years, observing the sea bottom from onboard the Calypso. Today, he is adamant: sea life, attacked by man, is suffering.
You've been sailing the seas for decades. How do they look?
Sea life is getting worse every year. The most affected areas are sea oases, areas in which life is particularly rich: coral reefs, mangroves, areas where currents meet, upwellings of deep water and the coastlines.
What are the primary threats to oceans?
I think that the greatest danger is overfishing. The FAO* estimates that 80% of fishing areas are overfished or fished to the limit of what nature can bear. We are literally pillaging the seas with our nets! Another problem is that on coastlines, humans are damaging seabeds to build ports, airports, and apartment complexes. Our populations are growing, and more and more people want to live by the sea! And a third, less important threat, is chemical pollution.
Where does it come from?
Sewers and rivers wash chemicals into the seas. They come from industry, but also agriculture, which uses too many pesticides, fertilisers and pharmaceuticals. Then we need to add domestic wastewater (detergents, medications, etc.), because just 15% of the world’s large cities have treatment plants! The problem is we don’t know what happens to these chemical mixes in the sea. In recent decades, dolphins, affected by opportunistic diseases, have been washed up on American shores. For a long time, we thought it was a form of AIDS, attacking their immunity. But, in fact, dolphins feed on animals whose flesh contains high concentrations of chemicals. Their immune system is then attacked by this cocktail of PCBs, dioxides, endocrine disruptors and heavy metals. We need to remember that we too are at the top of the food chain.
What can we do?
When it comes to climate change, the response has to be global. This is all the more essential because oceans are highly reactive. Where there is a political will and the international community reacts, the seas restore themselves quickly. This is especially true for chemical pollution. Stop polluting, and sea life returns. The sea forgives quickly, so we have real reason for hope.
*FAO: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
The sea forgives quickly”
Interview with Yves Paccalet, naturalist of the seas
Yves Paccalet has sailed the seas all his life. This "philosopher-naturalist", as he likes to call himself, worked with Jacques Cousteau for 15 years, observing the sea bottom from onboard the Calypso. Today, he is adamant: sea life, attacked by man, is suffering.
You've been sailing the seas for decades. How do they look?
Sea life is getting worse every year. The most affected areas are sea oases, areas in which life is particularly rich: coral reefs, mangroves, areas where currents meet, upwellings of deep water and the coastlines.
What are the primary threats to oceans?
I think that the greatest danger is overfishing. The FAO* estimates that 80% of fishing areas are overfished or fished to the limit of what nature can bear. We are literally pillaging the seas with our nets! Another problem is that on coastlines, humans are damaging seabeds to build ports, airports, and apartment complexes. Our populations are growing, and more and more people want to live by the sea! And a third, less important threat, is chemical pollution.
Where does it come from?
Sewers and rivers wash chemicals into the seas. They come from industry, but also agriculture, which uses too many pesticides, fertilisers and pharmaceuticals. Then we need to add domestic wastewater (detergents, medications, etc.), because just 15% of the world’s large cities have treatment plants! The problem is we don’t know what happens to these chemical mixes in the sea. In recent decades, dolphins, affected by opportunistic diseases, have been washed up on American shores. For a long time, we thought it was a form of AIDS, attacking their immunity. But, in fact, dolphins feed on animals whose flesh contains high concentrations of chemicals. Their immune system is then attacked by this cocktail of PCBs, dioxides, endocrine disruptors and heavy metals. We need to remember that we too are at the top of the food chain.
What can we do?
When it comes to climate change, the response has to be global. This is all the more essential because oceans are highly reactive. Where there is a political will and the international community reacts, the seas restore themselves quickly. This is especially true for chemical pollution. Stop polluting, and sea life returns. The sea forgives quickly, so we have real reason for hope.
*FAO: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
Thursday, December 03, 2009
新老闆瘋言瘋語錄 - 第二卷
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
12月1日, 還有30日就2010年了...
2009年, 沒有什麼特別的過了...
2009年, 沒有什麼特別的過了...
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