我間公司真係好奇怪, 近來喺巴黎開咗個新部門, 唔好以為新部門係d咗開發新手袋呀,新皮具呀嘅部門...佢係一個關注生態環境嘅部門, 去睇吓愛馬仕可以去關心/資助吓d咩環保活動, 點樣令到愛馬仕嘅生產更符合環保嘅理念, 用d更環保/輕便嘅用料等等, 純粹係一個幫公司洗更多$$$嘅部門. 佢哋為咗令所有同事都知道ne個計畫, 仲印咗一本好精美嘅書俾全球所有嘅同事, 仲開咗個intranet定時定侯咁update我哋ne個部門做梗d咩. 喺ne個咁嘅經濟環境之下, 我不得不佩服喺巴黎嗰d大粒佬仲咁有心去為個地球著想吓~~~
The sea forgives quickly”
Interview with Yves Paccalet, naturalist of the seas
Yves Paccalet has sailed the seas all his life. This "philosopher-naturalist", as he likes to call himself, worked with Jacques Cousteau for 15 years, observing the sea bottom from onboard the Calypso. Today, he is adamant: sea life, attacked by man, is suffering.
You've been sailing the seas for decades. How do they look?
Sea life is getting worse every year. The most affected areas are sea oases, areas in which life is particularly rich: coral reefs, mangroves, areas where currents meet, upwellings of deep water and the coastlines.
What are the primary threats to oceans?
I think that the greatest danger is overfishing. The FAO* estimates that 80% of fishing areas are overfished or fished to the limit of what nature can bear. We are literally pillaging the seas with our nets! Another problem is that on coastlines, humans are damaging seabeds to build ports, airports, and apartment complexes. Our populations are growing, and more and more people want to live by the sea! And a third, less important threat, is chemical pollution.
Where does it come from?
Sewers and rivers wash chemicals into the seas. They come from industry, but also agriculture, which uses too many pesticides, fertilisers and pharmaceuticals. Then we need to add domestic wastewater (detergents, medications, etc.), because just 15% of the world’s large cities have treatment plants! The problem is we don’t know what happens to these chemical mixes in the sea. In recent decades, dolphins, affected by opportunistic diseases, have been washed up on American shores. For a long time, we thought it was a form of AIDS, attacking their immunity. But, in fact, dolphins feed on animals whose flesh contains high concentrations of chemicals. Their immune system is then attacked by this cocktail of PCBs, dioxides, endocrine disruptors and heavy metals. We need to remember that we too are at the top of the food chain.
What can we do?
When it comes to climate change, the response has to be global. This is all the more essential because oceans are highly reactive. Where there is a political will and the international community reacts, the seas restore themselves quickly. This is especially true for chemical pollution. Stop polluting, and sea life returns. The sea forgives quickly, so we have real reason for hope.
*FAO: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
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